Guide to the area

Ogane Family Residence
The Ogane Family Residence is famous for the seasonal flowers, such as hydrangeas, that can be enjoyed on the roughly 3-hectare site. As such, it is also known as the “Hanashoya,” or the village headman's flower house. The front gate and the main building are about 300 years old, and are nationally designated as Important Cultural Properties. If you climb the hill behind the house, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay.
- 住所:
Address - 静岡県牧之原市片浜1032
1032 Katahama, Makinohara, Shizuoka
- 電話番号:
Phone - 0548-52-4277
- 営業時間:
Open - 9:00~17:00
- 定休日:
Closed - 年末年始
Year-end and New Year's holidays
- 料金:
Fee - 有(時期により変わります)
Yes (varies by season)
- 駐車場:
Parking - 有(無料)
Yes (free of charge)
- WEBサイト:
website - http://www3.tokai.or.jp/oganeke/
- アクセス:
Access - 「片浜」バス停下車徒歩5分
5 minutes' walk from Katahama bus stop