Heiden-ji Temple
Founded in 1283, this ancient temple belonging to the Rinzai sect of Buddhism houses a national treasure, the Imperial rescript of Emperor Shomu. The current main hall was rebuilt in 1786 by the lord of Sagara domain, Tanuma Okitsugu. There is also a monument to the opera singer Tamaki Miura on the temple grounds.
- 住所:
Address - 静岡県牧之原市大江459
459 Oe, Makinohara, Shizuoka
- 電話番号:
Phone - 0548-52-0492
- 駐車場:
Parking - 有
- アクセス:
Access - 「相良営業所」バス停下車徒歩20分
20 minutes' walk from Sagara Eigyosho bus stop