Makinohara City Produce Center
The Makinohara City Produce Center is filled with the city’s specialties and souvenirs, including freshly picked vegetables and fruits delivered daily by local farmers. They are very popular for the flavor and low prices that only direct sales allow.
- 住所:
Address - 静岡県牧之原市静波1771-5
1771-5 Shizunami, Makinohara, Shizuoka
- 電話番号:
Phone - 0548-22-2710
- 営業時間:
Open - 9:00~17:00
- 定休日:
Closed - 年末年始
Year-end and New Year's holidays
- 駐車場:
Parking - 有
- アクセス:
Access - 「静波海岸入口」バス停下車徒歩5分
5 minutes' walk from Shizunami Kaigan Iriguchi bus stop.