This seafood restaurant offers local fish landed at Omaezaki and Jitogata Ports. From thickly sliced sashimi to seafood rice bowls, tempura and grilled fish, all the dishes are fresh and come in generous portions. In summer, you can also taste gawa, a local Omaezaki delicacy made from bonito.
- 住所:
Address - 静岡県御前崎市御前崎1009-1
1009-1 Omaezaki, Omaezaki
- 電話番号:
Phone - 0548-63-5328
- 営業時間:
Open - 平日11:00~20:30、土日祝11:00~14:00、17:00~20:30
Weekdays: 11:00 - 20:30, weekends and public holidays: 11:00 - 14:00, 17:00 - 20:30
- 定休日:
Closed - 不定休
No fixed closing days
- 駐車場:
Parking - 有(無料)
Yes (free of charge)