Marine Park Omaezaki Beach
With gentle waves and excellent water quality, this is a popular spot for safe and comfortable swimming. It has been selected as one of “Japan’s 100 Best Bathing Beaches” by the Ministry of the Environment, and is perfect for families with children. You can also enjoy the floating play equipment “Aqualand” and banana boats.
- 住所:
Address - 静岡県御前崎市港
Minato, Omaezaki
- 電話番号:
Phone - 0548-63-2001(御前崎市観光協会)
0548-63-2001 (Omaezaki City Tourist Association)
- 駐車場:
Parking - 有(無料)
Yes (free of charge)
- WEBサイト:
website - http://www.omaezaki.gr.jp/contents/detail.html?s=1032