Arasawa Furusato Park
Established on the mountain foothills, this park provides a natural habitat for wild birds and killifish, and the flowers that bloom in each season make it the perfect place for a leisurely stroll. There is also a market selling local produce direct from the farmers, a restaurant, and barbecue facilities.
- 住所:
Address - 静岡県御前崎市下朝比奈158-7
158-7 Shimoasahina, Omaezaki
- 電話番号:
Phone - 0537-85-8230
- 営業時間:
Open - 8:00~17:00(11月~2月は16:00まで)
(直販所ほい!かってーや 15:30まで)
(味工房 わらび 10:00~15:30まで)
8:00 - 17:00 (November - February: until 16:00)
(Hoi! Katteya direct sales shop until 10:00 - 15:30)
(Aji Kobo Warabi until 15:30)
- 定休日:
Closed - 木曜(年末年始は休業)
Thursdays(year-end and New Year holidays)
- 駐車場:
Parking - 有
- WEBサイト:
website - http://www.omaezaki.gr.jp/contents/detail.html?s=1028